Friday, May 8, 2015

Leg Training | 05.07.15

Since returning to the gym in early-March, I have trained my legs on several occasions. With each passing training session, my leg strength, flexibility, and muscularity are improving and are operating at about 90%. My main focus has been transitioning back to power rack squatting and away from the Smith Machine, so last night I jumped back into the rack and it felt great to rely on my own body mechanics to squat. Check out my entire leg workout from last night. You will also see a video where I use 720 lbs on the Leg Press for 20 reps-yep, we're back!

[ LEGS ]
Lying Leg Curls
70 lbs x failure x 3

Leg Extensions
90 lbs x 12-15 x 7 (front-loaded FST-7)

Hack Squats
135 lbs x 20 x 2
225 lbs x 15 x 2

135 lbs x 20 x 2
225 lbs x 15
225 lbs x 8 (I could not find my balance on this set, so I re-racked the weight after 8 reps)

Leg Press
630 lbs x 20 x 2
720 lbs x 20

Outer-Thigh Machine (Abductor)
120 x 25 x 3

Inner-Thigh Machine (Adductor)
150 x 25 x 3

Be sure to get your Isagenix fat-burning and muscle-building solutions now!

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