Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Back, Calves Training | 07.14.15

There are those days when training endlessly is just something that you want to do and today, back was on the menu for such training. I am not even really sure what all was done (until now since I can reflect), I just know that I was in the zone and busting my back down from every angle possible. Ummm...I will train calves in a couple of days because it wasn't gonna happen today LOL!

[ BACK ]
Wide-Grip Chin-ups
Bodyweight x 15 x 4 (my weight is currently about 183-185 lbs)

D-Bar Wide-Grip Front Pulldowns

150 lbs x 15
160 lbs x 15 x 2
120 lbs x 10/5/5 (performed doing 10 concentrated reps, 5 reps with 5 second negatives, finishing with 5 concentrated reps)

T-Bar Rows

150 lbs x 15 x 2
150 lbs x 10, 100 lbs x 10, 75 lbs x failure (drop set)

Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral High Row

180 lbs x 12 x 3 (pulling using handle arms of machine)

Incline Dumbbell Pullovers
50 lbs x 15

Seated Cable Rows [FST-7]
120 lbs x 12 x 7 (performed with torso leaning forward and pulling D-handle to center of chest)

Rack Pulls
225 lbs x 15 x 2
225 lbs x failure x 2


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